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Labour law

Are you dealing with employment law and need legal assistance?

Labour law

Your employer wants to fire you, but what are your rights and obligations? Are you entitled to a transition allowance? How often may a temporary contract be extended and when does a temporary contract change into a permanent contract? Questions that are related to employment law and where you can use legal advice.


As an employee there are several situations within employment law that you may have to deal with.


The termination of an employment contract is in all cases a far-reaching event. Apart from the impact of a dismissal on an organization or person, in the Netherlands we have to deal with strict rules when it comes to dismissing employees. Here we have to deal with dismissal law. As an employee, you have specific rights and protection under various circumstances.


You may have to deal with a reorganization. Internal or external causes at the company lead to adjustments in the organization and may result in your dismissal. A reorganization takes place in steps in which the company has various obligations. Think, for example, of drawing up a social plan.

Employment contract

An employment contract lays down the terms of employment between the employer and employee. There are many types of employment contracts and related terms of employment. In these terms of employment there is a distinction between primary and secondary terms of employment. Having an employment contract checked for legal validity gives you, as an employee, peace of mind and clarity.

Labour dispute

If an industrial dispute arises between you and your employer, it is important to resolve it as well and as quickly as possible. Prolonged labour conflicts lead to malfunctions on the work floor, overwork and disruption in the relational sphere.

Do you have to deal with one of the above situations and need legal advice? TLC Lawyers can help you! You can also contact us for employment law across the border.